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GI City Council Meets Tuesday

Front of the Grand Island City hall building.

Meeting Agenda of City Council Regular Meeting
Council Chambers
100 E First Street
February 11, 2025 7:00 PM
This is an open meeting of the Grand Island City Council. The City of Grand Island abides by the Open Meetings Act in conducting business. A copy of the Open Meetings Act is displayed in the back of this room as required by state law. The City Council may vote to go into Closed Session on any agenda item as allowed by state law.

Individuals who have appropriate items for City Council consideration should complete the Request for Future Agenda Items form located at the Information Booth. If the issue can be handled administratively without Council action, notification will be provided. If the item is scheduled for a meeting or study session, notification of the date will be given.
A sign-up sheet was available in the lobby for individuals wishing to provide input on any of tonight's agenda items. If you did not sign up to speak on an agenda item, please come forward, state your name and the agenda topic on which you will be speaking on.
   a. Approving Minutes of the January 28, 2025 City Council Regular Meeting
   b. Approving Payment of Claims for the Period of January 29, 2025 through February 11, 2025 in the total amount of $4,044,605.90 
   c. #2025-40 - Approving Chad Olson (Olson Furniture Outlet LLC) Micro-TIF Application (Expedited Plan) for CRA Area 1- 716 & 718 St. Paul Road
   d. #2025-41 - Approving Bid Award for Independence Avenue- Capital Avenue to Manchester Road; Project No. 2023-P-10
   e. #2025-42 - Approving Temporary Construction Easement for South Locust Street Improvements- Fonner Park Road to 2nd Street; Project No. 2021-P-6 (Townsend, Rodriquez, Campbell, and The Elks Building Association of Grand Island, Nebraska)
   f. #2025-43 - Approving Cost Share Agreement with JBS for Stuhr Road at Highway 30 Northbound Turn Lanes; Project No. 2023-P-12 
   g. #2025-44 - Approving Bid Award for Stuhr Road at Highway 30 Northbound Turn Lanes; Project No. 2023-P-12
   h. #2025-45 - Approving Bid Award for South Locust Street Improvements- Fonner Park Road to 2nd Street; Project No. 2021-P-6
   i. #2025-46 - Approving Temporary Construction Easements for Independence Avenue- Capital Avenue to Manchester Road; Project No. 2023-P-10 (Adams, Ahrens, Ames, Becker, Beran, Brezenski, Bryant, Cabrera, Chrisman, Collins, Davidson, Earnest, Gannon, Grand Island Family Church, Graham, Grudzinski, Harrington, Harvey, Hicken, Jones, Kent, Knopik, Langrehr, Mann, Micek, Milner, Naber, O’Brien, Paul, Rech, Reimers, Ross, Schleichardt, Schoening, Sunday, and White) 
   j. #2025-47 - Approving Memorandum of Understanding to Use Fonner Park Facilities for Electrical Emergency Response Purposes
   k. #2025-48 - Approving RFP for New George Park Playground

   a. Public Hearing Request from VenuWorks of Grand Island LLC, dba VenuWorks of Grand Island LLC, 700 East Stolley Park Rd, for a Class "I" Liquor License 
#2025-49 - Approving Request from VenuWorks of Grand Island LLC, dba VenuWorks of Grand Island LLC, 700 East Stolley Park Rd, for a Class "I" Liquor License, Grand Island, Nebraska and Liquor Manager Designation for Kyler Tarwater, Grand Island, Nebraska 
  b. Public Hearing on Acquisition of Permanent Easements for Independence Avenue- Capital Avenue to Manchester Road; Project No. 2023-P-10 (Schoening, Schleichardt, Langrehr, Mann, Milner, Bryant, Ross and Grand Island Family Church, Inc.)
#2025-50 - Approving Acquisition of Permanent Easements for Independence Avenue- Capital Avenue to Manchester Road; Project No. 2023-P-10 (Schoening, Schleichardt, Langrehr, Mann, Milner, Bryant, Ross and Grand Island Family Church, Inc.) 

   a. #2025-51 - Approving the Good Life District Master Plan as Presented by Confluence
   b. 2025-52 - Approving Economic Development Program (LB 840) Grant for video production to Brookshire Company  
   c. 2025-53 -  Approving an Economic Development Program (LB 840) grant in the amount of $500,000 to YWCA of Grand Island for the development of an expanded Child Development Center located at 315 Wyandotte 
   d. 2025-54 - Approving First Amendment to Economic Development Agreement (LB840) with Zabuni Specialty Coffee 
   a. Executive Session to Discuss Strategy for Negotiations regarding City Owned Real Estate and Associated Terms