GI Police Report
Mar 13, 2025 / GIPD

News media report for: 03/13/25
All crimes reported in this news media report are felonies for the past 24 hours. For more information on reports, please contact Capt. Dean Elliott.
Offense: Burglary
Victim: Sterling Apartments Incident #: L25031281
Date and Time of Incident: between 3/5/25 & 3/12/25
Location of Incident: 3721 W Capital Ave
Brief Narrative: On 3-12-2025 at around 11:03 am, officer responded to the above location reference a burglary that took place on 3-5-2025. The officer was advised that an unknown suspect entered the maintenance shed of this complex and stole $910.24 worth of tools. The last time the tools were seen in the shop were on 3-4-2025 at around 5:00 pm.