City of GI: Council Member Conversations with Doug Lanfear

Doug Lanfear

(Grand Island, NE) - It was a quick and efficient meeting tonight, but some good things still happened - including the approval of using LB840 funds to bring a new business to the city. Tonight, after the meeting Ward 5 Councilmember Doug Lanfear for the latest edition of 'Councilmember Conversation.'

Topics Discussed 

  • How nice was it to see John Hiser of the Grand Island Utilities Department recognized for his 25 years of service to the city tonight?
  • The council voted unanimously 10-0 to approve the spending of up to $525,000 of LB840 funds for Vermeer High Plains to build a new storefront. What does this addition to the city mean to you?
  • How do you think the city has done in spending of the LB840 funds? 
  • You attended the Camp Augustine Open House on Monday. What was your takeaway from the early stages of the project and what's to come? 
  • Organizers asked the public what they want to see at Camp Augustine during that meeting. What would you like to see? 
  • What do you hope Campe Augustine looks like 10-20 years from now?