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Explore the parks with these Game and Parks events in September

Nebraska Game and Parks Logo With a senery of a river and a sunrise in the background.

Spend some time this fall in Nebraska’s state parks. During September, a variety of events are planned for those for all ages and interests.

Don’t forget to purchase a vehicle park entry permit to enter the state parks. Get one at OutdoorNebraska.gov or at state park entrances.

Living History Weekend at Fort Atkinson SHP

Travel back in time and experience history on the Great Plains at Fort Atkinson State Historical Park for Living History Weekend on Aug. 31-Sept. 1.

The weekend’s theme will be “The Desertion of Musician Knight.” Ongoing demonstrations featuring military and civilian life from the Revolutionary War will occur throughout the park. The military timeline will focus on the Revolutionary War to present-day. Humanities Nebraska guest speaker Eric Krelle will present “Flag Raising at Iwa Jima.”

Living History events occur from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. the first weekend of each month between May and October.

The park will be open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. A fee is required at the Harold W. Andersen Visitor Center of $4 per adult and $1 per child. For more information, email ngpc.fort.atkinson@nebraska.gov, call 402-468-5611 or visit OutdoorNebraska.gov/location/fort-atkinson/.

Enjoy stargazing at Eugene T. Mahoney State Park

Come to Eugene T. Mahoney State Park near Ashland on Sept. 13 and enjoy some summer stargazing.

Telescopes will be provided so visitors may get a glimpse at the night sky beginning at dusk. Meet behind the park’s golf shack for this free event from 9-11:30 p.m. Remember to bring camp chairs or blankets.

The rain date is Sept. 14.

Saddle up for Enders Trail Ride

Saddle up your horse and join the annual Enders Trail Ride on Sept. 28 at Enders Reservoir State Recreation Area near Imperial.

This free event, intended from both novice and advanced riders, will be at No Name Bay from 9-11 a.m. It will give riders a chance to view wildlife and beautiful scenery from the beach and through the wooded areas of the SRA. Riders must bring their own horses.

Camping is available, with applicable fees, but there are no equestrian pens at Enders Reservoir SRA.