Lunchtime Solutions Celebrates Hastings Schools’ Award-Winning Summer Lunch Program

Hastings Public Schools

HASTINGS — You don’t want to miss summer meals at Hastings Public Schools! Not only do children 18 and younger receive free lunches each weekday, the district’s exceptional summer meal program has once again been recognized by the United States Department of Agriculture with a Silver Level award.

This spring, Hastings was one of nine summer meal sponsors in the state of Nebraska to be recognized with a “Turnip the Beet” award for its efforts in 2023. It was the second year the district received this recognition. Only 140 districts were recognized nationwide.

The Turnip the Beet Award was created to showcase sponsors who are going above and beyond to ensure that children in their care are receiving high-quality meals that are both nutritious and appetizing. 

This year, the summer meal program is being offered at a new location, Longfellow Elementary, because it is a more central place in town, said Food Service Director Aaron Rodgers. This is in addition to the site at Hastings Middle School, which has had its serving time expanded to 11 AM-1 PM.

“We like that we can offer two locations to make it more convenient for our students and the community,” Rodgers said. “I enjoy seeing some of the same faces through the summer that we see during the school year.”

Lunchtime Solutions is the K-12 food service management company that partners with Hastings to run its food service program.

“Hastings Public Schools is fortunate to partner with Lunchtime Solutions not only during the school year, but during the summer,” said Dr. Thomas Szlanda, Director of Human Resources and Operations for Hastings Public Schools. “The food service provided by Lunchtime Solutions during the summer is valuable to our students and community. We look forward to continuing our partnership.”

“We could not be prouder of our schools that are being recognized for their summer meal programs, providing their students with healthy, delicious meals with a little splash of fun,” said Tammy Coyle, Executive Vice President for Lunchtime Solutions. “We are very fortunate to have strong partnerships and support from our customers that allow us to provide successful summer feeding, and being recognized with the Turnip and Beet award makes it extra special for us and our customers.” 

According to the USDA’s award criteria, winners showcase their excellence by serving a variety of vegetables and fruits throughout the week; serving whole grains and dairy products; and serving culturally-appropriate meals. 

A height-appropriate fruit and veggie bar for students is stocked with fresh and appealing choices in a rainbow of color each serving day. Students are highly encouraged to take as many fruits and vegetables as they'd like and to come back for more servings. At least one fresh fruit and three fresh vegetables are offered per day. In addition, there is always at least one canned fruit favorite, including applesauce, peaches, and mandarin oranges.

Another important award criteria was the use of student feedback to formulate menus. Rodgers said the Lunchtime team uses many years of knowledge and production records to decide what items students like the best. They also ask students their feedback as they come through the line and while they are eating, as well as listen to feedback through Food Service Advisory Committees and anonymous surveys during the school year that tell us what students prefer in the lunchroom.

Summer meals are critical in the lives of millions of America’s youth, who may not have access to nutritious meals when school meals are not available because school is not in session. However, summer meals are not simply about making sure that those in need have food to eat. In fact, summer meal programs, including the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) through the NSLP, can positively impact children’s growth and development while also encouraging children to develop healthy habits at a young age. High quality summer meals provide energy day-to-day, and help our young people thrive and return ready to learn in the fall.

Hastings Public Schools Summer Meal Program Information

This meal is FREE to any child 18 and younger. Adult meals are $5.25.

Location: Longfellow Elementary
828 N. Hastings Ave., Hastings, NE
Weekdays:  May 28 – July 31
 (except holidays)
Time: 11 AM -1 PM

Location: Hastings Middle School
201 N. Marian Road, Hastings, NE
Monday-Thursday: June 3-June 26
Time: 11 AM -1 PM