Sam Schroeder, Zane Grizzle will lead UNK student body

Sam Schroeder, left, and Zane Grizzle will serve as UNK student body president and vice president for 2024-25. (Courtesy photo)
Sam Schroeder, left, and Zane Grizzle will serve as UNK student body president and vice president for 2024-25. (Courtesy photo)

KEARNEY – Sam Schroeder of Seward and Zane Grizzle of Fairbury will serve as the next student body president and vice president at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

They were elected Thursday following two rounds of student voting and will take office April 16, succeeding current President Temo Molina and Vice President Ethan Ciancio.

As student body president, Schroeder will represent UNK as a student regent on the University of Nebraska Board of Regents and serve as the official student body representative to the administration and public. The president also has the power to approve or veto legislation passed by Student Senate.

A sophomore studying political science with a public law minor, Schroeder has served as speaker of Student Senate, president of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and executive vice president of the Interfraternity Council. He’s also part of the Honors Student Advisory Board, NU Student Advocacy Group, Kearney Law Opportunities Program and Catholic Newman Center.

Grizzle also is a sophomore studying political science with a public law minor. He’s served as a New Student Enrollment leader, resident assistant, campus tour guide, Residence Hall Association vice president and Delta Tau Delta fraternity president. Additionally, he’s involved in the UNK Honors Program, Model United Nations, Kearney Law Opportunities Program and Pre-Law Society.

Members of their executive cabinet, pending Student Senate approval, are:
Emma Nolan of York – Chief of staff
Joey Orellana of Cozad – Secretary of the treasury
Genesis Acosta of Lexington – Secretary of organizations and affairs
Ally Sedlacek of O’Neill – Secretary of community relations

In addition to the presidential election, 14 students were selected to serve on UNK Student Senate. This organization is the legislature for the student body, with representatives elected from each of the three academic colleges at UNK and the graduate college. There are also freshman and deciding/pre-professional senators.

Student Senate has the power to pass legislation for the campus, approve new student organizations, appoint student representatives to UNK Faculty Senate and other administrative committees and perform other duties concerning student issues.

Those elected to Student Senate are:

College of Arts and Sciences 
Crista Manning of Grand Island
Paige Oltmans of Davenport
Luke Przymus of Columbus
Noah Shackelford of Clay Center
Ellery Jett Simpson of Maxwell
Hernan Vargas of Gibbon

College of Business and Technology
Emma Bond of Kearney
Olivia Lawless of Aurora
JaeDee Rasmussen of Lexington

College of Education
Jonathan Burklund of North Platte
Jacob Howe of York
Lily Seibert of Kearney
Emma Nolan (seat vacated if executive cabinet position is approved)
Joey Orellana (seat vacated if executive cabinet position is approved)